Backing up your licence

To register your licence key please see this link.

Once you have licensed the software close and restart the software for the licence to take effect.

Now close the software again. Once it is closed go to the installation folder and:

  1. Make a backup of the BAK folder.
  2. Make a backup of the install-info.ehaz and licence.ehaz file in that same area.

The default location of the BAK folder and install-info.ehaz and licence.ehaz is:


C:\Program Files\Home_Accountz\

Windows 64bit:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Home_Accountz\



You can only use your key once. However on the same computer if you have to re-install Home Accountz for whatever reason then you can restore your licence from the BAK folder and you can restore the install-info.ehaz and licence.ehaz files.